An electronic component is anything physical or non-physical object used as part of an electronic circuit to influence the corresponding fields or electrons in an electric field. It could also be described as a piece of electronic equipment that can be seen as a collection of very small parts packaged together to form something functional. There are several types of electronic components that we use in our day-to-day electronic lives. Here are some of the most commonly used components:
Capacitors: Capacitors are one of the oldest types of electronics components. They consist of a diaphragm or a metallic plate charged with a positively or
negatively charged electrode. The capacitor charges only when the metal plate is pushed across it or when a certain voltage is applied across it. Capacitors
are found in things such as solenoid and relays, among others. Some common capacitor materials include conductors, non-conductors, aluminum oxide,
tantalized aluminum, polypropylene, and other organic materials.
Transistors: Transistors are another type of electronic component. They are also known as diodes or semiconductor devices. A transistor is a generic term
that describes a type of electrical channel that may use one or more input signals. These input signals are translated into electrical currents by their
terminals. Common electronic devices that use transistors as an integral part include microwave ovens, pocket calculators, television tuners, personal digital
assistants, personal digital video recorders (PDV), radio transmitters, global positioning system units (GPS) receiver units, personal digital air-conditioning
units (PDA), wireless communication systems, and many other electronic devices.
Diodes: Diodes are one of the most basic electronics components. They are used in various types of electronic circuits to detect an excessive current. The
most common electronic device that makes use of diodes is the detector in an electric circuit. There are two types of diodes, the bipolar junction diode (BJ)
and the semiconductor material diode (Si) with a difference. When a current passing through a semiconductor material diode produces an excessive current
while a bipolar junction diode only produces a small current.
Control circuits: Another group of electronic components are control circuits. Their main function is to provide a stable power supply to an electrical device.
The most commonly used control circuits are the voltage control switch and the linear control switch.
In addition to controlling a power level, they also can
control the speed of a motor or apply a varying sequence of impulses to a pulse width modulation device such as an FM transmitter.
AC Circuit: An AC circuit is one that operates with one power source instead of multiple sources. These types of electronic circuit designs are called active
Examples of active components are servos and resistors. One advantage of having an AC circuit design is that they can be turned on and off
using one power source. However, they tend to be more costly and they consume more power. This is where passive components come into play.
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